The College Cookbook

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College cookbook quiz gif
Spring 2023
Key Considerations
User Experience
Visual Consistency
The Concept
The College Cookbook is a recipe app designed with the busy, broke college student in mind. The platform combines practicality with a touch of humor, making cooking an enjoyable experience for those navigating the challenges of student life. The College Cookbook offers a curated collection of recipes filtered by ingredients, cost, cooking time, and more. Users can also track their culinary adventures by creating collections, sharing them, and tracking their progress as they master new dishes.

User Experience

Wireframe of college cookbook app

Once users complete a brief in-app questionnaire, they're seamlessly guided to the explore page. Here, they can peruse an array of recipe categories tailored to their preferences and lifestyle.

Whether you're embracing your inner Procrastinator, seeking some Greek Gains, or in need of a comforting Hangover cure, there's a category to suit every taste and mood. From this engaging hub, users can navigate to four other sections: search, collections, shopping list, and profile. Dive into the search function to find specific recipes or ingredients, organize your favorite recipes into personalized collections, compile your shopping list with ease, and track your culinary triumphs through your profile—a delightful snapshot of your cooking journey.

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